Pulsonix 11.0

Pulsonix 11.0

Pulsonix allows you to scale symbols that are multifunctional
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Awards (1)
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Software Informer Virus Free award

A totally integrated Schematic Capture and PCB design editor, Pulsonix is supplied ready-to-use with everything you need to start designing straight away. With no hidden extras, Pulsonix is easy to purchase and easy to install and use. Pulsonix is a truly modern high-tech program as you would expect. Built on a structured 'mosaic' architecture, item picking and graphics redraw are almost instantaneous. With a rich tool set throughout Pulsonix, every feature has been carefully created to ensure that it provides maximum productivity to the designer.

Pulsonix boasts one of the industry's largest range of import filters for designs and libraries from all major EDA vendors. This enables you to migrate from your old system without the loss of any important IP.

An Integrated Product
Supplied as an integrated design product, Pulsonix comes complete with libraries ready-to-use, rules creation features, all design checking routines and manufacturing file export to get your designs from concept to a finished PCB.

Node-locked or Floating
Pulsonix can be supplied as node-locked or fully network floating options as you require. Flexible and versatile, Pulsonix can be expanded as your needs grow.

Node locked gives you a single system whereas the floating license option gives you a shared floating capability flexible enough to use across a network. With the powerful built-in management tools of this option, it provides you security and flexibility to share your design resources.

Open and Flexible
Pulsonix can be supplied in three variants to fit your design size; Unlimited pins (component pins), 2000 pins and 1000 pins. As you requirements grow, Pulsonix can grow with you. You can easily add Spice based A/D mixed-mode simulation, shape-based autorouting, or technology features including High Speed design, chip-on-board, embedded component capabilities and connection to your corporate database.


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